

Home Training Library Python Advanced Flask

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Learning Topics
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Coding Exercises
Skill Assessment
Hands-on Projects

Topics Covered

Introduction to Flask
  • Installation
  • Using Virtual Environments
  • Installing Python Packages with pip
  • The Jinja2 Template Engine
  • Rendering Templates
  • Variables
  • Control Structures
  • Twitter Bootstrap Integration with Flask-Bootstrap
  • Custom Error PagesStatic Files
  • Localization of Dates and Times with Flask-Moment
  • SQL Databases
  • NoSQL Databases
  • SQL or NoSQL?
  • Python Database
  • Frameworks
  • Database Management with Flask-SQLAlchemy
  • Model Definition
  • Relationships
  • Database Operations
  • Creating the Tables
  • Inserting Rows
  • Modifying Rows
  • Deleting Rows
  • Querying Rows
  • Database Use in View Functions
  • Integration with the Python Shell
  • Database Migrations with Flask-Migrate
  • Creating a Migration Repository
  • Creating a Migration Script
  • Upgrading the Database
Large Application Structure
  • Project Structure
  • Configuration Options
  • Application Package
  • Using an Application Factory
  • Implementing Application Functionality in a Blueprint
  • Launch Script
    Requirements File
  • Unit Tests
  • Database Setup
  • Obtaining Code Coverage Reports
  • The Flask Test Client
  • Testing Web Applications
  • Testing Web Services
  • End-to-End Testing with Selenium
  • Is It Worth It?
Basic Application Structure
  • Initialization
    Routes and View Functions
  • Server Startup
  • A Complete Application
  • The Request-Response Cycle
  • Application and Request Contexts
  • Request Dispatching
  • Request Hooks
  • Responses
  • Flask Extensions
  • Command-Line Options with Flask-Script
Web Forms
  • Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) Protection
  • Form Classes
  • HTML Rendering of Forms
  • Form Handling in View Functions
  • Redirects and User Sessions
  • Message Flashing
  • Email Support with Flask-Mail
  • Sending Email from the Python Shell
  • Integrating Emails with the Application
  • Sending Asynchronous Email
Application Programming Interfaces
  • Introduction to REST
  • Resources Are Everything
  • Request Methods
  • Request and Response Bodies
  • Versioning
    RESTful Web Services with Flask
  • Creating an API Blueprint
  • Error Handling
  • User Authentication with Flask-HTTPAuth
  • Token-Based Authentication
  • Serializing Resources to and from JSON
  • Implementing Resource Endpoints
  • Pagination of Large Resource Collections
  • Testing Web Services with HTTPie
  • Logging Slow Database
  • Performance
    Source Code Profiling
Introduction to Flask
  • Installation
  • Using Virtual Environments
  • Installing Python Packages with pip
Basic Application Structure
  • Initialization
    Routes and View Functions
  • Server Startup
  • A Complete Application
  • The Request-Response Cycle
  • Application and Request Contexts
  • Request Dispatching
  • Request Hooks
  • Responses
  • Flask Extensions
  • Command-Line Options with Flask-Script
  • The Jinja2 Template Engine
  • Rendering Templates
  • Variables
  • Control Structures
  • Twitter Bootstrap Integration with Flask-Bootstrap
  • Custom Error PagesStatic Files
  • Localization of Dates and Times with Flask-Moment
Web Forms
  • Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) Protection
  • Form Classes
  • HTML Rendering of Forms
  • Form Handling in View Functions
  • Redirects and User Sessions
  • Message Flashing
  • SQL Databases
  • NoSQL Databases
  • SQL or NoSQL?
  • Python Database
  • Frameworks
  • Database Management with Flask-SQLAlchemy
  • Model Definition
  • Relationships
  • Database Operations
  • Creating the Tables
  • Inserting Rows
  • Modifying Rows
  • Deleting Rows
  • Querying Rows
  • Database Use in View Functions
  • Integration with the Python Shell
  • Database Migrations with Flask-Migrate
  • Creating a Migration Repository
  • Creating a Migration Script
  • Upgrading the Database
  • Email Support with Flask-Mail
  • Sending Email from the Python Shell
  • Integrating Emails with the Application
  • Sending Asynchronous Email
Large Application Structure
  • Project Structure
  • Configuration Options
  • Application Package
  • Using an Application Factory
  • Implementing Application Functionality in a Blueprint
  • Launch Script
    Requirements File
  • Unit Tests
  • Database Setup
Application Programming Interfaces
  • Introduction to REST
  • Resources Are Everything
  • Request Methods
  • Request and Response Bodies
  • Versioning
    RESTful Web Services with Flask
  • Creating an API Blueprint
  • Error Handling
  • User Authentication with Flask-HTTPAuth
  • Token-Based Authentication
  • Serializing Resources to and from JSON
  • Implementing Resource Endpoints
  • Pagination of Large Resource Collections
  • Testing Web Services with HTTPie
  • Obtaining Code Coverage Reports
  • The Flask Test Client
  • Testing Web Applications
  • Testing Web Services
  • End-to-End Testing with Selenium
  • Is It Worth It?
  • Logging Slow Database
  • Performance
    Source Code Profiling

Tailor the curriculum for your tech team with customizable skill modules

Yes, L&D professionals can handpick the skill modules of their choice from our huge repository to design the perfect skill development program for their tech team and drive greater ROIs.

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Why neoCoder's skill
modules are the finest?

Content structured to different learning level

Organizations commit a huge mistake in the employee L&D programs by providing the same learning content for both entry-level freshers and experienced professionals.

Organizations commit a huge mistake in the employee L&D programs by providing the same learning content for both entry-level freshers and experienced professionals.

  • Noob
  • Beginner
  • Intermediate
  • Advanced
  • Master


assessment options

In a world of continuous technological advancement, the learning materials should be fresh and updated.

Our skill modules are constantly updated with respect to the changes in the tech universe. Hence your employees stay on track with the latest tools and technologies used in the industry.

assessment options

Our powerful AI-powered engine helps you to assess your employee’s potential at once. With the aid of the auto-evaluation feature, the following diverse assessment modules are evaluated at a rapid rate, thereby saving an enormous time.

  • Quiz
  • Skill assessments
  • Coding Exercises
  • Hands-on projects

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